Room 918, Esther Lee Building, CUHK

20211124 Workshop on Digital Economy 01


CUHK Workshop on Digital Economy

Hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong-Zhejiang University Joint Research Center for Digital Economy

Date: 24 Nov 2021 (Wed)

Time: 2:15pm – 5:30pm (Hong Kong Time, UTC+8)

Venue: Room 918, Esther Lee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong




2:15pm - 2:20pm: Opening Address by Michael Song

2:20pm - 3:20pm:
“Self-fulfilling Bandits: Dynamic Selection in Algorithmic Decision-making”
By Jin Li, The University of Hong Kong

3:20pm - 4:20pm:
“Differential Pricing of Internet Traffic: Theory and Evidence from a Chinese ISP”
By Matthew Ce Shi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

4:20pm - 4:30pm: Break

4:30pm - 5:30pm:
“Social Media and Government Responsiveness: Evidence from Vaccine Procurements in China”
By Yanhui Wu, The University of Hong Kong





Enquiry: +852 3943 5423