Prof. HUP Mark
Research Assistant Professor
Tel: (852) 3943-0303
Email: markhup@cuhk.edu.hk
Office Location: Room 1007B, Esther Lee Building
Home Page: www.markhup.com  

BSc. (Hons, cum laude) in Economics (Utrecht University)

MSSc in Global Political Economy (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

MPhil in Economics (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

General Visiting Student (Peking University)

PhD in Economics (University of California, Irvine)




Research Interest

Applied Microeconomics, Economic History, Public Economics, Development Economics


I am an applied economist specializing in economic history, public economics, and development. My main strand of research focuses on the impacts of trade shocks and state capacity on fiscal modernization, a key aspect of long-run development. Specifically, I study the transition from in-kind taxation to monetary taxation and ask how and why money-based and centralized fiscal institutions emerged. Beyond this strand of research, I also study migration, the economic consequences of coercion, and the role of monetary policy risk in financial markets.


  • “Dissertation Summary: Essays on Fiscal Modernization, Labor Coercion, State Capacity and Trade”“Dissertation Summary: Essays on Fiscal Modernization, Labor Coercion, State Capacity and Trade”(2023). Journal of Economic History, 83(2), 608-611.
  • “Public Functions, Private Markets: Credit Registration by Aldermen and Notaries in the Low Countries,1500–1800” (with Oscar Gelderblom and Joost Jonker). (2018). In: Lorenzini M., LorandiniC., Coffman D. (eds.) Financing in Europe. Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance. PalgraveMacmillan, Cham.
  • “Labor Coercion and Trade: Evidence from Colonial Indonesia.” [Award: Charles A. Lave Paper Prize Award (UC Irvine).]
  • “Labor Coercion, Fiscal Modernization, and State Capacity: Evidence from Colonial Indonesia.” ConditionallyAccepted at Explorations in Economic History. [Awards: Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize (Public Choice Society), Jan Lucassen Award (European Social ScienceHistory Association), A. Kimball Romney Award for Outstanding Graduate Paper (UC Irvine).]
  • “Policy Risk and Financial Markets: Evidence from 1930s China” (with Liuyan Zhao). Under Review.
  • “Brain Gain in Late Colonial Indonesia? New Evidence on Chinese Migration and Wages” (with Pimde Zwart). CEPR Discussion Paper DP18748. Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of EconomicHistory.
  • “Tax Farming and State Capacity: Evidence from Colonial Indonesia.”

Awards and Honours

  • Finalist, Alexander Gerschenkron Dissertation Prize, Economic History Association 2022
  • Finalist, Ronald H. Coase Best Dissertation Award,Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics 2022
  • Charles A. Lave Paper Prize Award, UC Irvine 2021
  • A. Kimball Romney Award for Outstanding Graduate Paper, UC Irvine 2020
  • Jan Lucassen Award, European Social Science History Association 2020
  • Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize, Public Choice Society 2020
  • Department of Economics Best Thesis Award, Chinese University of Hong Kong 2014
  • Netspar Bachelor Thesis Award, Netspar 2011