馬文睿 Prof. HUP Mark 助理教授(研究) |
電話: (852) 3943-0303 | |
電郵: markhup@cuhk.edu.hk | |
辦公室地址: Room 1007B, Esther Lee Building | |
個人主頁: www.markhup.com | |
學歷 BSc. (Hons, cum laude) in Economics (Utrecht University) MSSc in Global Political Economy (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) MPhil in Economics (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) General Visiting Student (Peking University) PhD in Economics (University of California, Irvine)
研究領域 10 |
I am an applied economist specializing in economic history, public economics, and development. My main strand of research focuses on the impacts of trade shocks and state capacity on fiscal modernization, a key aspect of long-run development. Specifically, I study the transition from in-kind taxation to monetary taxation and ask how and why money-based and centralized fiscal institutions emerged. Beyond this strand of research, I also study migration, the economic consequences of coercion, and the role of monetary policy risk in financial markets.