
Contact Us

Contact person: Miss Aiji Au
Tel: 3943 5503
Fax: 2603 5805
Email: economics@cuhk.edu.hk





Conference Venue


The conference will be held in Room 918, the 9th floor of Esther Lee Building at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.



 map 1


By Car/Taxi:

Enter the Chung Chi Entrance on Tai Po Road. ELB is the first building on the right.


Exit University Station from Exit A. Folow the footpath on the left up the hill. ELB is the first building on the left.






Please select the date:

  • 30 May, 2015 (Sat)
  • 31 May, 2015 (Sun)






CUHK Symposium on Growth and Development*


30 - 31 May 2015

Room 918, Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK



Day 1: Saturday, 30 May
8:15 to 8:40: Reception
8:45 to 10:15:

China (Chair: Chong-En Bai)

Grasp the Large, Let Go of the Small: The Transformation of China's State Sector

Chang-Tai Hsieh, Chicago Booth

A Dynamic Structural Analysis of Real Exchange Rate: Theory and Evidences from China

Qing Liu, CUHK

10:15 to 10:45: Tea Break
10:45 to 12:15: Global Perspectives (Chair: Kang Shi)

Saving Europe?: The Unpleasant Arithmetic of Fiscal Austerity in Integrated Economies

Jing Zhang, Chicago Fed

Demographics and Aggregate Household Saving in Japan, China, and India

Nelson Mark, Notre Dame

2:15 to 3:45: Growth (Chair: Liugang Sheng)

International Trade, Economic Growth, and Middle-Income Trap

Yong Wang, HKUST

A Non-monotone Relationship between Growth and Unemployment: a Labor Search Model

Been-Lon Chen, Sinica

3:45 to 4:15: Tea Break
4:15 to 5:00: Growth (cont.)

From Production to Retail: The Case of Chinese Footwear Industry

Daniel Xu, Duke

Day 2: Sunday, 31 May
9:00 to 10:15: Registration
9:15 to 10:45: Urbanization (Chair: Michael Song)

Education and Migration: The Role of Zhaosheng in China

Yin-Chi Wang, CUHK

Selection, Risk and Rural-Urban Migration

Michael Waugh, NYU

10:45 to 11:15: Tea Break
5 to 12:00: Urbanization (cont.)

Urbanization and Economic Development: A Tale of Two Barriers

Ping Wang, Washington University St. Louis

2:00 to 3:30: Historical Perspectives (Chair: Chong-Kee Yip)

Elite Recruitment and Political Stability: The Impact of the Abolition of China's Civil Service Exam

Ying Bai, HKUST

Ladders to Success: Civil Service Exams and Social Mobility in traditional China (1368-1644)

Se Yan, Peking University


*The financial support by the Faculty of Social Science at The Chinese University of Hong Kong is greatly appreciated.


