狄可文 Prof. DEVEREUX Kevin 助理教授(研究) |
電話: (852) 3943-5530 | |
電郵: kevin.devereux@cuhk.edu.hk | |
辦公室地址: Room 1007A, Esther Lee Building | |
個人主頁: https://kevindevereux.com/ | |
學歷 B.A. in Economics (University of British Columbia) M.A. in Economics (Queen's University) PhD in Economics (University of Toronto) |
研究領域 10 |
I am a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. My research interests are labour, personnel, and health economics, with an emphasis on empirical application.
My current research agenda focuses on identifying the contribution of individual workers to team output, with applications to professional tennis and scholarly economic research. I find variation between workers’ value-added to teams and their productivity at solitary production tasks, inferring a role for teamwork that is distinct from general productivity.
Another strand of my research studies non-monotonic employment effects of minimum wages. I am currently leading a study on labour market concentration and employment for the Low Pay Commission of Ireland along with my previous colleague at UCD. This is the second grant we have been awarded by the Commission. Along with another coauthor I seek to replicate these result using open-source data from the USA.
In addition, I have worked or am working on the following topics: voter polarization following climate disasters, dynamic responses to health insurance subsidies, gender bias in promotions and professional networks, and firm-level investment responses to tax hikes.